fueling the soul with happiness, creativity, & productivity one mile at a time

Monday, May 23, 2016

Mama is getting fit with Modern Physique

Today is the first day of the 8 week workout program that I am going to raise hell and conquer! 

 This program is pretty intense and I am totally looking forward to it!!! 

Modern Physique: Steve Cook's 8-Week Training Plan: Steve Cook's Modern Physique fitness plan can help you discover, define, and achieve your best-ever physique. Get the pre-launch details here!

My last program had less cardio and more lifting. So this will be a nice change of pace! I will be following the entire program to the very BEST of my ability and cant wait to share ALL my tears and accomplishments through out these 8 weeks!!

Here it goes!!

Before Modern Physique 8 week program

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