fueling the soul with happiness, creativity, & productivity one mile at a time

Monday, September 5, 2016

Find the right food for your 24 day challenge

TWO MORE DAYS !! Can you tell I'm excited??

                      You should SERIOUSLY join us! 
Check out our Advocare site and lets start your new healthy life already :)  You can do it and we are here to help you be successful!

Why YES! Kyle and I are SUPER excited to begin our very first 24 day challenge 

I want to take a moment and blog about a super important topic...which is purchasing the correct food choices by following the grocery guide 
(pic below or click on the link to take you to a better copy). 

The first part of the 24 day challenge is the cleanse. During this phase your body is as I like to put it "ridding the waste and resetting the pace." Phase one supplements and clean eating are SUPER important because if you misfire, you wont start properly! 

This video will help you with understanding what we should avoid.

Many people have difficulty with changing their eating habits. Its unfortunate that we have become so accustomed to prepared meals, fast entree's, and on the fly dinners. 

I believe this challenge will help you feel better not only with overall wellness but you will become an awesome role model for others who are interested in the same journey! 

Eating clean is ALOT easier that eating out of a box. Make this challenge fun!

  •  Take a chance at new recipes
  •  Have fun cooking with your children 
  •  Enjoy a sit down meal that is properly portioned 


Remember, your NOT alone! This is our first challenge and just like you we have SO many questions! Resources are available 24/7 through Kyle and I, your sponsor, and there is a 24 day challenge app available for IOS and Android!

PLUS check out the Daily Guide and my Pinterest for some awesome recipes! 

I'm so excited to blog about our success!  

SO.. here is my BEFORE picture of ME!! 

(Kyles will be added soon)

Advocare is AWESOME! Not only has it made me feel better, it has allowed me to enjoy life and become financially stable with something I LOVE DOING!!!


 Interested in Advocare products or becoming a distributor on our team? 

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